Club News Events

Two For the Books

Thank you VERY much to all the players that came out this weekend to play the Brent Anderson Memorial (BAM), our 1st ever PDGA sanctioned event at Clark’s Run @ Freedom Center, and the 7th Annual LoCo Open @ Franklin Park!!!!!

Congratulations to the division winners for the Brent Anderson Memorial!!!

MPO – Sam Shiley (“whites” course record – 58)
FPO – Allie Stone
MP50 – Brian Junkins
MA1 – Grady Iliff
MA40 – Rick Sheridan
MA50 – John W Iliff
MA2 – Brad Hoke
MA3 – Steven Truong
FA3 – Lindsay Smoot Sullivan

Congratulations to the division winners for the 7th Annual LoCo Open!!!

MPO – Cody Bradshaw
FPO – Samantha Merritts
MP40 – Robert Marr
MP50 – Brian Junkins
MA1 – Stephen Adcock (hot “Best of” AM score – 54)
MA40 – Jorge Menjivar
MA50 – Steve Ganz
MA2 – Seth McCurdy
MA3 – Mike Sully
FA2 – Lindsay Smoot Sullivan

The final TD Reports and Event Fees have been submitted/completed for both BAM! and the LoCo Open.

Nearly a year before the event(s), we request a date and we start high-level planning. We have a few meetings about it. We discuss the logistics. We debate the details. We set goals. We negotiate on player’s pack items, food options, prizes, trophies and more. We fund-raise. We schedule meetings with park managers and land owners. We start working on event logos and designs. We work with vendors for shirts, for discs, for umbrellas. We spend endless hours making trophies. We stay up late making putter clipboards. We schedule looooooong work days for course prep. We create caddy books, we create score cards and we work with the printer. We create, manage, and update registration. We deal with finances. We print labels and we stuff players packs. We prep tee signs and we paint OB lines. We weedwacker for days. We pick up 1,000s of branches. We smoke BBQ. We make banana pudding…lots of banana pudding. We ask for help, we ask for favors and we volunteer…again, again and again.

…then we wake up the next day and we go to work (our “normal” jobs).

We…we…we… a single person just cannot do it alone. It takes a club…it takes a team. It’s really quite amazing how much work goes into running a simple 2 days worth of events. It’s hard, it’s fun, it’s rewarding and we’ll do it all over again next year.

It’s impossible to list every single person that has, does and will contribute to events like this…because there truly are so many, but there are a few that simply have to be mentioned.

(and please do not take offense if you’ve not been included on this list)

John W Iliff – You do it all. You are a machine. This doesn’t exist without you. The time, the effort, the love…I cannot thank you enough.

Brian Junkins, Matt Lamberski, Mike Tomlin and John W Iliff – Thank you for your patience, your help, your guidance, your drive and your time (that we’ll never get back). Volunteering for the board is the best dumb decision you/we every made

Steve Ganz – “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!” My sensei.

Jeffrey Kinman – I hope people know how much time, effort and plastic you put into this. You’re selflessness is inspiring, motivating and infectious.

Tim Lawson, Ryan Bailey, Bob Romich and Jeffrey Kinman – These courses don’t manicure themselves! I’ve heard nothing but complements and Freedom Center has never looked better. The amount of time spent on course prep for these events is intimidating…and you knocked it out of the park!

Rob Stark – The breath of fresh air. Thank you so much for being a part of this. Thank you for the support and thank you for fueling the fire and helping us remember why we do this.

Christopher Patterson – The baskets at Freedom Center never looked better! A lot of hard work went into those sponsorship decals and it’s more than you’ll ever know!

Steve Marinich (Parcel Plus) – Year after year after year…the time you spend for us and you can’t even make the events.

LoCo Disc Golf Club – Thank you for welcoming everyone into our “homes”. Thank you for all you do. Thank you for the support. That you for making this all so so worth it. We love you.

I’ll send the calendar invite out in a few weeks and we can start planning for 2019.