Club News Ice Bowl

In the News: LoCo is a World Champ!

It’s finally official and it’s getting attention! LoudounNow has published articles announcing that the LoCo Disc Golf club is the world’s leader in Ice Bowl fundraising efforts having raised $24,355 for 2021 edging out the Mile High Club in Colorado that brought in 24,096. The Mile High Club represents the entire state of Colorado and has held onto the record for the past 8 straight years. Look out Colorado, there’s a new baller on the block!

LoCo – the World Champs!!

Now that has a nice ring to it! Wait till next year. We’ve have to bring it again.

We would be remiss if we didn’t thank everyone who contributed to the effort. There are too many to thank, but please know from the bottom of our heart(s) – Thank You! You made a difference to the community around you. For that we all should celebrate.

Check out the recent articles…simply, Amazing!