Club News Monthlies

LoCo August Monthly

The 4th Saturday of the month is upon us once again and the August LoCo Monthly will be held on Saturday, August 22nd at Franklin Park. There will be cash and/or prizes for all divisions with CTPs and a HUGE Ace Pot worth $250!

Like last month, $5.00 from each entry fee will help support the LoCo Open (offset B-Tier costs, prizes, etc.). This is our last monthly before the LoCo Open and any and all support is greatly appreciated!!! To help entice everyone just that much more, here are a few of the things that we have in the mix:

  • This monthly, we’ll be playing a customized “Best of Frank” layout which will be the exact same layout as the 1st round of the September 26th LoCo Open! There’s no better way to prep for the LoCo Open than to play the exact same layout! It’s a great mix of short, medium, and long holes that we’ve tested out over the past few weekly events and and we think we’ve found a good combination for all skill levels.
  • Scott Carter has VERY generously donated 10 really nice Gateway Wizards (with various “Phish”, “Dead”, “Panic” and “The Dude” stamps) that will be given out as prizes. Most appreciated, Scott (and special thanks to the NOVA DGA for donating their allotment to the LoCo Monthly).
  • $250 ACE POT sponsored by Stephan Evers! Yes…that’s correct…$250!!! A $2 ace pot buy-in gives you a chance to win $250!!!! If the ace pot isn’t won, all cash will be donated to the 2015 LoCo Open! Thanks, Stephan!

CTP Prizes will include a $25 Gift Card to Purcellville Sports and a $25 Gift Card to Belly Love Brewery, both in Downtown Purcellville.

Check in between 8:30-9:00 at the Rotary Pavilion near Hole 10. We’ll have a quick Players Meeting at 9:15…and then it’s game on!!!


Saturday, August 22nd, 2015


Franklin Park, Purcellville, Virginia


Check in between 8:30-9:00 at the Rotary Pavilion near Hole 10.
Players Meeting at 9:15

Player Divisions* & Entry Fees

$15.00 Blue – Pro [rating <970]
$10.00 White – Advanced [rating <935]
$10.00 Red – Intermediate [rating <900]
$10.00 Green – Recreational [rating <850]
$10.00 Unrated
FREE Women

* Ratings are guidelines and unrated players will be placed in the appropriate division based on experience level and past results. Divisions may be consolidated based on attendance.

Layout TBA