Club News Events Monthlies

April 2017 Monthly This Saturday, April 22nd

Yep, it’s the 4th Saturday in April, so you know what that means…

It’s time for another LoCo Monthly, this Saturday, April 22nd!

All skill-levels welcome!  Ace Pot, CTPs, and cash and/or prizes for all divisions!  As always, ladies play for FREE!

Registration starts at 8:30AM, at the Rotary Pavilion near hole 10, followed by a quick players meeting at 9:15.

  • Pros: $15
  • Amateurs: $10
  • Ladies: FREE!

All proceeds from the April monthly will go to the Freedom Center Course Development Fund.  Speaking of Freedom Center…I hope your ready for May monthly (hint, hint) 🙂

Hope to see some of you out there!

LoCo Disc Golf Club